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Orthopedic Technologist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Good communication skills are a must for orthopedic technologists. "There is a specific language in orthopedics, which is a sub-language of medical terminology," says Tom Byrne.

He adds that you must also be able to communicate with patients and explain what you are about to do in a way the patient can understand.

The ability to communicate effectively with doctors and patients requires that a technologist be intelligent and patient. These are just two qualities that would help someone excel in this profession. You must also stay on top of the latest technological trends and be willing to learn continually.

To be admitted to an orthopedic technology program, sometimes you are required to write an essay outlining what makes a good orthopedic technologist.

In 150 words or less, describe the qualities or traits that would make a person an excellent orthopedic technologist.