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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You decide to vote according to the feedback you've received so far.

You vote against gun control in the legislature. Shortly after, your office is flooded with calls and letters protesting your position.

You decide to conduct a poll. It reveals that, in reality, 82 percent of your constituents are in favor of gun control. They just hadn't voiced their opinion.

You've badly misread your constituents. This could come back to haunt you at election time.

This doesn't mean you should always do what's popular, however.

"Sometimes it doesn't matter (what the polls say) because we have to make a decision against what the citizens want," says Nan Whaley. She's a city commissioner. She gives the example of a workplace non-discrimination provision she supported, despite public opposition.

"That was an issue where I felt strongly, where I had to do the right thing," says Whaley. "That's why we have representative government -- you make that decision, and if you go too far then they can throw you out."