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Aquacultural Manager

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're a commercial aquaculturalist choosing the stocking rates (the number of fish per hectare) for the fish farm you manage.

During the last cycle (the two to three years it took for all the fish to grow from fingerlings to market-sized fish) fish prices were low, so your stock did not bring in as much money as expected. To make up for this loss, you are considering putting extra stock in your fish farm.

Common stocking rates of catfish for commercial growers are generally around 5,000 to 7,000 fish per acre. This number is based on studies of waste levels and water purity in manufactured fish farms and you've never strayed from it in the past.

However, if you farm 7,000 to 8,000 catfish per acre, you believe you may be able to sell more fish and make enough money to get this fish farm back on its feet.

What are you going to do?