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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You are sitting in front of your computer when your sales manager comes in with last month's advertising figures for one of your web pages. Web companies advertise on your site in the form of banners. This is part of your revenue stream. Every time a surfer clicks on a banner, which propels them to the other site, that is tracked and your website gets a small referral fee.

Last month, you had 4 advertising banners on 1 page within your site. Here are the different deals your sales manager worked out:

  • Blastfromthepast.com gives you $0.06 for every click.
  • Undergarments.com gives you $0.07 for every referral. If one of those referrals turns into a purchase, undergarments gives you $3.
  • Save the Wildlife, as a nonprofit, only affords $0.03 per referral.
  • Surfboardsandgear.com gives you $0.15 for every referral and $5 for every purchase made.

Of your site visitors, 55 clicked on blastfromthepast.com; 320 linked to undergarments.com, with 30 of those resulting in a purchase; 108 people jetted to Save the Wildlife from your site; and surfboardsandgear.com hosted 498 people from your website. There were 122 purchases.

The salesperson makes a 25 percent commission on these sales.

How much did your salesperson make last month?