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Recreational Therapist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You're a recreation therapist in a nursing home. Every month, you organize different fun and healthy activities.

You're expected to spend $350 a month on activities and supplies. You have to keep track of all the money you spend. If you spend more than 10 percent above or below your budget, you have to report it to the director of the nursing home.

Last month, you spent money on:

Trip to the zoo for 15 residents:

  • Bus driver: $60; fuel: $15; admission: $4 each (plus yourself)
  • New radio for exercise room: $120
  • Bingo supplies: $35
  • Office supplies: $50
  1. How much did you spend last month?
  2. Were you within 10 percent of your budget? By what percentage were you over or under?
  3. What is your annual budget?