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Perfusionists perform very specialized work that keeps patients alive during surgery.

Some surgeons introduce the patients to the perfusionists. This allows these professionals a chance to explain their role in the surgery.

Read the information below. Then write what you would say to explain your role in the operation.

Perfusionists build extracorporeal circuits. These allow the surgeon to connect the heart-lung machine to an open-heart surgery patient.

The heart-lung machine replaces the function of the heart and lungs. It provides a bloodless, motionless surgical field for the surgeon.

The perfusionist ventilates the patient's blood to control the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide. They propel the patient's blood back into the arterial system. This provides nutrient blood flow to all the patient's vital organs and tissues.

A perfusionist is a skilled person who operates extracorporeal circulation equipment. They do this when it is necessary to support or temporarily replace the patient's circulatory or respiratory function.

The perfusionist knows about the variety of equipment available. They are responsible for selecting the appropriate equipment and techniques to be used. They consult the surgeon about this.

(From the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology)