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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Perfusionists use very sophisticated machinery to keep people alive during dangerous surgical procedures. While computers keep the machines operating, perfusionists are doing a series of math problems in their heads.

They are trying to keep ahead of the machine, to estimate what the results will be in order to keep focused and make sure the machine is operating properly.

You are a perfusionist. You are working on an open-heart surgery case. The surgery will take 6 hours. The person requires 2 liters of oxygen every 20 seconds.

You have to keep tabs on the machine. You want to figure out how much oxygen it will have sent through the system at the end of the following time periods. The machine will give a readout that you can check against your own math.

1 hour
1.5 hours
2.5 hours
3 hours
4 hours
5 hours
5.5 hours
6 hours