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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

How much is owed on the invoice? The window is 36 inches by 48 inches.

36 inches / 12 inches per foot = 3 feet
48 inches / 12 inches per foot = 4 feet

Area of window = length x width
Area of window = 3 x 4
Area of window = 12 square feet

Window charge: 12 square feet x $11 per square foot = $132

Perimeter of window:
3 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 14 feet

Wood stop charge: 14 feet x $2 per foot = $28

Scaffolding charge: $25 x 2 = $50

Total charge = window + installation + service call + wood stop + scaffolding
Total charge = 132 + 65 + 35 + 28 + 50
Total charge = $310

You'll charge the customer $310 for the window replacement.

Windows vary widely in length and width, as well as thickness. Glaziers learn to be handy with their tape measures."You need to know how to read a tape measure more than anything else," says glazier Jim Brooks. "Glass tends to be kind of weird. When you're talking about sizes we go in inches, and then when we talk about thickness it switches to millimeters, so you have to know both imperial and metric."