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Therapeutic Riding Instructor

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Where does math fit in with being a therapeutic riding instructor? "Math skills are used in measuring out feed or medicines, building things like fences and other things necessary for class," says instructor Beth Harre-Orr.

They will come in handy also if you are responsible for keeping the books and raising funds.

You are building a fence around a riding area and you need to find out how many supplies to order. If you were to really build a fence, your calculations would need to be a little more involved to be accurate.

You would need to figure in gates and gate posts, height and width of the fencing materials and what kind of fencing materials you could afford. You would have to place the gates where they won't interfere with other traffic and make them large enough to fit whatever needs to get through.

But here we will do a simple calculation of the linear measure (measurement made on a line) of the area to be enclosed.


Using these dimensions, at a price of $6.50 per linear foot, how much would it cost to put a fence around this area?