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Family Medicine Physician

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

A patient of yours comes in to see you, complaining that she is tired all the time. At first she thought maybe she just wasn't getting enough sleep, but after a month and a half, she doesn't think that's the problem.

She asks you if perhaps there is some kind of medication she should be taking that might give her a little more energy. She now thinks that maybe she's anemic, or maybe it's a thyroid problem because that is common on her mother's side of the family.

She seems anxious and her face looks worn. You know you'll need to find out more information about your patient before you start prescribing any medication.

"Communication skills are very important," says Dr. Christine Petty, a family physician. She feels that doctors are often not trained well enough in communicating and listening skills. Yet both are crucial if you want to be good at what you do.

There could be all kinds of reasons why your patient is feeling tired. Perhaps she has been working extra hours at work. Or maybe she's having problems with her two children. You need to find out as much about her and her situation as you can. By asking lots of questions, you'll be able to narrow down the possibilities and give her the best possible treatment.

Prepare a list of five or more questions to ask your patient. Keep in mind you want to know about her work schedule, family schedule and if she's taking proper care of herself.