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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Even though professional bowling is a physical sport, knowing how to conduct yourself professionally in writing does play a part in your career duties.

The tournaments in which bowlers compete are sponsored by companies and organizations. Also, the bowling center owners allow tournaments to be held in their facilities.

At the end of a tournament, bowlers should send an acknowledgment of thanks to those who helped make the tournament possible. This is where your writing skills come into play.

If you were a professional bowler and just finished a tournament and needed to send out thank-you notes to all the sponsors and the bowling center proprietor, how would you compose the letter and what would you tell them in your letter?

Need help? Try this URL for an example of a standard thank-you letter:

Sample Thank-You Note
Internet: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/thankyouletters/a/blthank.htm