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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Park wardens have a lot of things to think about when it comes time to make a decision. As keepers of parklands, they are protectors of the environment. Every person who comes through the gate of a park puts their trust in the park warden.

You are a warden at a large western park. The park is made up of some tourist areas and miles of backcountry wilderness. Visitors are allowed into the backcountry only with permits, and only at the discretion of the park warden in charge.

The weekend is approaching and the park is expecting big crowds. It's bad news when you get word from the wildlife service that a small forest fire in the high mountains just outside the park has put a grizzly bear and a wolf on the move.

You can't know for sure where these animals will go. Given the size of your park, there is a chance some might wander into your territory.

This information has just come across your desk when you get a call to report to the main visitor's center. There is a group of 15 visitors from the east who want to spend four nights in the backcountry.

They are eager to get out into the wild. You notice that their backpacks look brand new and their hiking boots are not much older. They hold out the permit for you to sign.