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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Park wardens enjoy their outdoor work. Many people envy their apparently stress-free jobs. But those people have never planned for a holiday weekend at a busy park.

That's your task today. The park where you work has 850 campsites.

150 are designated for recreational vehicles (RVs)
700 are standard tent camping sites

Today is one week before the big weekend starts. You have the following reservations. The weekend includes Friday, Saturday and Sunday night stays.

50 RVs for 3 nights
20 RVs for Friday only
75 RVs for Friday, Saturday only
15 RVs for Sunday only

250 tent campers for Friday, Saturday, Sunday
150 tent campers for Friday only
300 tent campers for Friday, Saturday only
50 campers for Sunday only

Figure out how many openings you have for each night for the coming weekend. Here's a hint: most park wardens keep charts on their walls to help them keep track of things.