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Video Game Tester

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You report your findings and say the third game is terrible.

This is the real-life decision that Nathan Pinard would make. He is a quality assurance manager for a game company called Ludia. He started his career as a game tester.

"[Game testers] should not be afraid," says Pinard. "As a matter of fact, if they don't say [their true opinion], I would say they don't do their job well.

"If a specific company says, 'You know what, we don't really appreciate negative feedback,' personally I think it would be weird," says Pinard. "First of all, you didn't hire QA testers just to say, 'Yeah, your game is great' all the time."

Testers write their opinions and findings in reports, which are constructive for game manufacturers.