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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You do the work on your own.

You stay up all night sculpting and creating the swarm of ants you will need for the scene. But the next day as you are getting out the clay sculptures, you realize you forget to put enough legs on each of the animals. You will have to go back and fix each of the clay models, and you don't have time for that!

Now you are in trouble, and may have to hire extra help or contract out the work to get it done on time!

"Clay animation takes excellent concentration," says Lemmon. "If your mind wanders, you might forget that you've already moved a character's arm or leg, then you might move it again, which can make the animation look jerky."

Clay animation takes time and patience. If you don't have the time, you should be up front with your client. "This work takes a lot of patience," says Lemmon. "You have to be patient enough to spend all day animating, knowing that you'll only finish one to three seconds of animation by the end of the day."