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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

As a planetary geologist, you're working on the Galileo mission to Jupiter. During an educational outreach conference with the public, you explain this mission. These are some of the questions you answer:

1. How many years did it take the Galileo to reach Jupiter?

The spacecraft was launched in 1989 and reached Jupiter in 1995, taking just more than six years to complete its journey.

2. What is the name of Ida's moon?

Ida's moon is named Dactyl.

3. When did the Galileo spacecraft divide into two parts?

The spacecraft divided into the probe and the orbiter six months prior to its arrival at Jupiter.

4. What great event occurred on Jupiter just as the Galileo was approaching?

The comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter just as the Galileo was reaching its destination.