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Circus Performer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

"If you are a performer, you don't have to worry too much about it," says Mary Rawls. She worked for more than 50 years in the circus as a trapeze artist, elephant handler and ropewalker, among other things.

"But if you are the head of the show, you are going to have to use math all the time because the circus is a business just like anything else," she says. So math skills are pretty important.

You are a circus performer. The organizer of a local festival wants to know if you are available to perform during a 5-day festival out of town and for how much. You must now quote her a price that will cover your expenses and earn you a profit.

Return airfare will cost you $500. Local transport costs you about $50. A hotel room for the 5 days will cost you $200. Food will cost you about $250. Other expenses are about $100.

Calculate your performance fee if you want to make a 30 percent profit.