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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

24 ounces / 5 parts = 4.8 ounces each

That means you need 4.8 ounces of cinnamon. How much menstruum do you need?

4.8 x 4 parts = 19.2 ounces menstruum

You need 19.2 ounces of menstruum.

Because 4.8 ounces of cinnamon is less than 5 ounces, you will prescribe 50 drops.

"Math skills are used for formulations, figuring out percentages of doses," says herbalist Shawn Schultz. "So you do have to do some math. Formulas can be very complex. So it would be helpful to take some organic chemistry. Knowing percentages and fractions is also very important."