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Marriage and Family Therapist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your treatment plan could say:

Objective: To raise client's self-esteem

Length of Treatment: Not determined at this time


  1. Client will make a list of 10 good things about himself for each week during the month.
  2. Client will make a comprehensive list of activities, skills or talents he possesses.
  3. Client will participate in at least one activity each week which is specifically designed to make client feel good about himself.
  4. Client will make a list of personalized affirmations (such as "I am a worthy person," or "I am the best person I can be right now") to use on a daily basis to strengthen his self-esteem and sense of worth.

Anita Brown says such treatment plans serve not only as a help to the counselor, but they also "give the client focus areas for the counselor and client to review and talk about."