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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You have inspected your golf course and identified that a section or area of the turf requires pesticide application. What are the sums involved in ensuring that the right amount of pesticide is applied to this area of turf?

The formula on the container says 3 oz pesticide, diluted in 2 gallons of water, is used to treat 1,000 square feet of turf.

Therefore, in order to establish how much pesticide and how much water must be used to treat 30,000 square feet of turf, multiply by 30.

3 oz pesticide x 30 = 90 oz. pesticide
2 gallons water x 30 = 60 gallons water
1,000 square feet x 30 = 30,000 square feet

You need to mix 90 oz. of pesticide with 60 gallons of water to treat 30,000 square feet of turf.

"A good head for figures is necessary in my job," says Ron Hume, who manages a golf course. "Whether it's budgets, payroll, purchases or inventory, dealing with numbers plays an important part."