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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Man, are you tired! You've been working all day under the hot sun trying to make this golf course perfect for the upcoming tournament. You're proud of the course and you want it to look its best.

It's time for lunch, so you take your sandwich and climb up on the grassy hill to eat your lunch under a big willow tree. The hill overlooks a stream, which runs throughout the property.

As you look out from the hill, something in the corner of your eye catches your attention. Something seems to be glimmering in the stream. You rush down to take a closer look and you realize that it is salmon spawning in the stream.

You drop your lunch and quickly rush back to tell your boss about this. He says he has no time to deal with it now. He will handle this situation after the golf tournament. He hands you a bag of pesticide and tells you to get back to work. In your view, pesticides should not be used because they could hurt the salmon.

What do you do?