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Fast Food/Counter Worker

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're working in a small restaurant and a customer comes in with a group of people. Right away, you can tell he's not going to be happy with anything -- he doesn't like the table or the music that's playing, and he seems to be constantly complaining to his friends.

Everyone at the table orders a meal and in a short time, you bring it out to them. A minute later, you check back to make sure everything is OK. Everyone says their meals are fine. Five minutes later, however, you walk by the table and the complaining customer tells you his meal is terrible and he wants a refund.

Since he's eaten half of it and didn't say anything to you earlier, you suspect the meal is fine and this customer is just full. Now you have to decide whether to give him a free meal.

What are you going to do?