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Adoption Counselor

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Adoption counselors have to be aware of the most relevant issues in adoption. To do this, they must keep up to date on the latest statistics. Then they can know what things the individuals who come to them are facing.

"I look at trends and statistics in terms of my own learning," says social work consultant Glory To. "For example, if open adoption is on the rise, I know those issues will come up in my own practice. I need to be able to interpret the statistics."

You run an adoption agency that does post-adoption counseling as well as counseling through the adoption process. You are looking at some charts on what is going on in adoption.

Look at this chart of public and private adoptions between 2015 and 2024.


Or look at it another way:

  1. What do the above charts tell you about adoptions in general?
  2. What do they tell you about public versus private adoptions during this 10-year period? Is there a trend towards private adoption?
  3. How can this knowledge help you in your adoption counseling business?

Now look at this chart:

Responses to Pregnancy by Unmarried Women Under 25 Years of Age

Year# of births# of infant adoptions
  1. What does the above chart tell you about adoptions in general?
  2. Could you, in your practice, reasonably expect to see more people adopting older children if they are unable to adopt infants?

Finally, consider the chart below:


  1. We saw in the last chart that fewer infants were being adopted. Does the above chart tell you that there are more older children being adopted when you count all adoptions?
  2. Do you think your agency should prepare some information material to assist people who have been waiting to adopt infants and are now considering adopting older children?
  3. Do you think your agency should organize a group session for families with children who were adopted at an older age?