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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

As a budding independent film producer, you have a wealth of ideas. Unfortunately, that's your only wealth. Your bank account is humble indeed.

You want to make a film about veterans of World War II, but you need money for the project. You've heard about a new government program that funds films with patriotic themes.You have to prepare a brief pitch. This is a short summary of your proposed film. Explain what it is you want to do and why it should be supported.

In preparing your pitch, give some consideration to the following:

The title (or working title) of the film

The purpose of the film

Those involved in the production (if you can mention an accomplished actor or director, this can help give a project credibility)

Any urgency there might be (why is this a good time to make this film?)

"With a pitch you want, in three or four sentences, to get the core of the idea," says independent producer Lola Davidson. "That’s the first thing, really knowing what your idea is. You want to make sure it's really clear [and] being as creative as possible shows passion."