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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

As a toy designer, you're only one part of the toy creation process. To take a toy from the idea stage to reality takes a lot of cooperation and communication.

Toy designers employed by large manufacturers spend as much time explaining their designs as they do inventing toys. Toy makers need to know exactly what the designer is proposing so they can decide how much time and money to invest in the product.

But as a freelance designer, your task is even more daunting. Each time you come up with a toy, you have to find someone to make it a reality. This involves selling your design -- and that takes good communication skills.

To introduce your designs, you write a newsletter for prospective buyers. Each newsletter contains a "news" story about your latest invention. You use the format to explain how your invention works and what will make it the next big thing.

Your latest design is the TravelToy -- a combination of favorite toys all in one easy carrying pouch. Write a 200-word story or press release explaining why toy makers should scoop it up.