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Residential Advisor

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what you could write:

At 3:45 p.m., Mary Smith approached me and asked permission to stay out one hour past her curfew. She stated that out-of-town visitors were expected and that she wanted to spend time with them at dinner and a movie.

I explained to Mary that I could not approve the request since she has not yet been here for three weeks. I explained that only residents who have been here more than three weeks are granted extensions of their curfew.

Mary began to cry and ran out of the room, slamming the door. I followed her to her bedroom and invited her to come out to talk with me further. She cursed me through the door and refused to come out. Mary is still in her bedroom at shift completion.

Your Name

"Document, document, document!" says Keith Baldwin. He is a residential counselor in a halfway house. "I write detailed reports of everything that happens. I outline the decisions that were made and the reasons for the decision."