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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You do not make the report.

You think to yourself, "Tim has done so well. He only drank this one time and no real harm was done. I think I will give him another chance. Everybody deserves a break now and then."

Tim is very grateful. He thanks you over and over and tells you that you won't be sorry. He says that he will never let you down.

Next payday, Tim goes drinking. This time, he gets into a fight and hurts someone very badly. The police pick him up and take him directly to jail.

You are very sorry that you did not make the report. Tim's drinking escalated the second time and now he is facing new charges in addition to parole violation.

"When a resident violates his parole, you are obligated to report it before the situation escalates," says Keith Baldwin. He is a residential counselor in a halfway house. "You want them to stop doing whatever it is that they are doing before somebody gets hurt or they return to their old lifestyle."