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Secretary/Administrative Assistant

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your report could say:

The LearnMore consulting agency has applied to organize a professional development seminar at our college to improve the teaching skills of our professors. They propose to hold the seminar next Saturday in our college's gymnasium.

As LearnMore recently conducted seminars at Sheridan College and Louisiana State University, I spoke to the heads of staff at both institutions. Both said the seminars were well-organized and productive. I spoke to our college's head of staff and she said she thought the seminar was an excellent idea.

The estimated cost of the seminar is $10,000. Our budget for professional development for the next year is $15,000, so the cost is not a problem. I checked the availability of our gymnasium for next Saturday, and discovered that no events are scheduled there on that day.

It is my suggested response, based on the reasons outlined above, that we accept LearnMore's proposal to host a seminar conducted by them next Saturday.