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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You often spend time at the brewery experimenting with new beers, trying to create the perfect brew. This afternoon, you're making a new type of malted beer. You tie on your apron, clean off the counters and pull out your recipe.

Part A

The first step in the malting process is to soak the barley. You are trying to increase its water content. For this particular malt, the soaked barley should weigh 40 percent more than the dry barley.

If you have 10 pounds of dry barley, how much will the soaked barley weigh when it has the required water content?

Part B

This soaking process usually takes 40 hours, but you have read that some people soak the kernels for 72 hours. You're going to experiment soaking for the longer period. You must change the water every 8 hours during this process. How many more times are you going to have to change the water for the 72 hours than you do for your normal 40-hour soaking period?

The barley has soaked, and now you spread it out to dry. This process takes 8 to 15 days. Once the barley has sprouted, it is put in a kiln to dry at low heat. Finally the barley is cured in a hot environment.

After several days the barley is cured and you are ready to go to the next step of creating a new type of malt. But did you soak the barley correctly?