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Landscape Architect

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

This is a sample of what you can say to explain such terms to your client.

Inexhaustible resources are resources like air, water and solar energy. We'll always have them around, but we can seriously harm these resources if we're not careful. For example, we'll always have water, but pollution is affecting how much we can use it.

Replaceable and maintainable resources are resources like lakes, ponds, rivers, forests and plant life. As long as we maintain the environment at a reasonable level, there's no reason to think we'll lose them. Yet if we keep using them up and polluting the Earth, we really run the risk of losing them forever.

Irreplaceable resources are resources like minerals, soil, fossil fuels and land. The bottom line is that there are only so much of these resources on Earth. The more we use now, the less we will have in the future.

As a landscape architect, you have to be a good communicator.

"You have to be able to clearly convey the idea of what you want to see. You can have the most incredible idea in the world, but the idea will be wasted if you can't make others understand it," says Vince De Georgio.