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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

Convert minutes to seconds:

2 minutes = 120 seconds

If it takes 12 frames to produce 1 second of animation, then:

12 frames x 120 seconds = 1,440 frames required

If 1 frame takes a half hour to draw, then:

1 frame of animation = 0.5 hours work

Now multiply the number of frames required by the number of hours required:

1,440 frames x 0.5 hours = 720 hours

Calculate how many working hours you have for each animator:

40 hours per week x 3 weeks = 120 hours

Divide the total number of hours required by the number of hours worked a week to determine the number of animators required.

720 hours / 120 hours = 6

To complete the commercial on time, you will need 6 animators working for 3 weeks.

"On most productions you can only animate 5 seconds per day [depending on the number of animators]," says animation studio owner Todd Ramsay. "It's a real team effort and it's so rewarding to watch a finished [product] that we've put so much work into."