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Human Resources Specialist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Like many employment and placement specialists, you track labor market information. You need to know what's going on in the world of work. This helps you find opportunities for your clients. You also might use the information if your agency applies for grants.

Using the following information, answer the questions below.

  • The Happyland Hispanic population was 111,245 in 2001.
  • Half of the Hispanic population is under the age of 20.
  • Happyland's youth population fell from a peak of 183,000 in 1984 to a low of 135,000 in 1997.
  • Since 1997, the youth population has gradually increased, reaching 142,000 in 2004.


  1. Happyland's total population was about 1 million in 2001. What percentage of its population was Hispanic?
  2. How many Hispanics were under the age of 20?
  3. By what percentage did the youth population in Happyland decrease from 1984 to 1997?
  4. By what percentage did the youth population increase from 1997 to 2004?