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Pediatric Cardiologist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You are a pediatric cardiologist. You work as part of an elite group of physicians in a highly specialized field. These experts are constantly exchanging and comparing information to make the correct diagnosis.

You have a young patient who is showing signs of a hyperactive heart -- that is, a heart that beats too fast. This causes her to feel faint and lightheaded. It may be a sign of an underlying problem with the electrical impulses that keep hearts beating.

You have tested her heart rate repeatedly under three conditions: resting, sleeping and during exercise. You have the following results:

Test No.
(beats per minute)


You also have the following chart, which shows the average heart rates for a child of her age:


How much does her heart rate differ from the normal average? If the deviation is more than 10 percent in 2 of the 3 areas, you should order further tests. Is that the case?