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Operations Research Analyst

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You are an operations analyst helping a stadium owner maximize profit. These are the prices you recommend for a seat in each of the sections:

Blue section:
Wants to earn: $560,000
Section has: 7,000 seats
$560,000 / 7,000 seats = $80

You recommend an individual price of $80 for a seat in the blue section.

Red section:
Wants to earn: $600,000
Section has: 10,000 seats
$600,000 / 10,000 seats = $60

You recommend an individual price of $60 for the red section.

Yellow section:
30,000 seats in total
Seats = 30,000 - (7,000 blue seats + 10,000 red seats)
Seats = 13,000

There are 13,000 seats in the yellow section.

Wants to earn: $390,000
$390,000 / 13,000 seats = $30

You recommend that the seats in the yellow section sell for $30.