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Football Player

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You are the quarterback for the Danesville Devils. It's your job to lead the offensive team, and make all the tough decisions regarding strategy.

"Quarterbacks have to make quick decisions," says Eric Stansfield. He works for a professional football team. "You have to be on top of things at all times, and know what is happening on the field."

Before the next play begins, you huddle with your team. You pick the play that you want to call. Your teammates agree, and you break from the huddle. You watch your team line up, and also look at the defensive setup.

It isn't set up the way you thought it would be. It also seems that your teammates didn't hear you, or are trying a new way of working with your play. Should you call a different play? Would this confuse your teammates? You might be better off changing the play at this late stage, or it might be better to stick to your original game plan.

What do you do?