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Legal Secretary/Administrative Assistant

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's one approach:

At a pre-trial conference yesterday, several important rulings were made.

The good news is that Judge Hillock ruled against a motion to separate each plaintiff's charges into a separate case. The ruling indicates that the judge feels the cases are similar enough to be tried together. This will allow us to wage a single defense.

The judge also closed the docket on the case. That means that no additional plaintiffs may join the suit between now and the time it goes to trial.

The judge did make one ruling against the client. He said that our arguments about confidentiality did not outweigh the need for the plaintiffs to perform discovery.

This means that materials we had hoped to keep private may have to be turned over to the other side if they request it. Overall, it wasn't a bad day in court and we remain optimistic about the outcome of the trial.

Carol Wilson is the director of certification at Legal Secretaries International. She says legal secretaries need both written and oral communication skills.

"They are the mouthpiece of the lawyer," says Wilson.

"They have to speak for the lawyer. They have to convey messages to the client. They have to schedule depositions and hearings with the attorneys on the other side."