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Legal Secretary/Administrative Assistant

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Real-Life Math -- Solution

Start with the hourly fees:

25 senior partner x $110 per hour = $2,750
20 junior partner x $85 = $1,700
20 associate x $65 = $1,300

Total = $2,750 + $1,700 + $1,300
Total = $5,750

Now, for the telephone consults:

11 x $25 = $275

And photocopies:

250 x $0.06 = $15

And we know that telephone expenses are $410.

Now add all those subtotals:

$5,750 + $275 + $15 + $410 = $6,450

Don't forget the tax:

$6,450 x 0.05 = $322.50
$6,450 + $322.50 = $6,772.50

The grand total is $6,772.50.

Carol Wilson is the director of certification at Legal Secretaries International. She says math skills aren't crucial in the profession, since a computer will perform the basic math.

"An ability to use something like Quicken and spreadsheets comes in real handy -- but again, that's software," she says.