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Tattoo and Body Artist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You decline to do the tattoo.

Some tattooists would do the tattoo as requested. But most would probably not. Legally, you can do it, but it's preferable to have your shop's work represent your artistic and ethical views, so that you can be proud of your work.

Tattooist Pat Sinatra normally lets the client make the final decision, even if she thinks that a particular design is unattractive or that the person will regret it for some other reason. She shares her concerns, but the client has the final say.

However, she draws the line (or, more accurately, refuses to draw the line with her tattoo needles), when it comes to certain kinds of designs.

"I draw the line at derogatory or inflaming remarks," says Sinatra. "I don't do anything that's racist or sexist. I'm careful about not making a person a social target."

You're not doing someone a favor if you give them a tattoo that makes them a social outcast, and that prevents them from getting a job.