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Computer Systems Engineer/Architect

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Bachelor's degree

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what you could do:

Open projects by manager: Sept. 15

Estimated start: Sept. 7

Estimated end: Sept. 30

Assigned project name: EXD Project

Contact Bill Edwards for design Sept. 7

Sept. 7 - Meeting with Bill to discuss specs. Need to update documentation based on discussion.

Sept. 10 - Developed design document

Sept. 17 - Compiled test file. Requested more hours for testing

9/27/02 - Test files being finalized and verified against reports

9/29/02 - Began programming

"We use an Access database where we track projects and send status reports weekly to our customers," says Jennifer Paschall. "By keeping this database current with notes, both those working on the project and the clients themselves can be assured of the changes being made on a daily or weekly basis."