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Massage Therapist

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You work as a massage therapist, employed by a firm that schedules your appointments, pays your insurance and handles your paperwork.

But you're still responsible for keeping an accurate account of your work hours, money received and clients treated. At the end of each week, you must prepare a report detailing your work for the previous 5 days.

In addition to the above, you also have to figure out your hourly income. The company uses this to measure how efficiently you're spending your time. At the end of this week, your account sheet includes this information:

  • You visited 30 clients for one hour each
  • You also saw 7 clients for half-hour visits
  • Each hour-long visit was billed at $65
  • Each half-hour visit costs $30
  • You're paid for working 40 hours per week -- not based on actual client hours

To complete your paperwork, you must figure out how many client billing hours you performed this week. What is your hourly take based on a 40-hour week? How many non-client billing hours did you work?

To give you an idea of how you're doing, the company says that average hourly rates are between $48 and $60. And average non-client time is between 5 and 8 hours per week.