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Rehabilitation Counselor

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You tell Jerry that self-employment isn't for him.

Margaret Glenn says that this advice wouldn't be fair to Jerry. "What wasn't a good idea was not using critical thinking to come to a decision about this being a goal with the client -- as informed choice is paramount to the process of vocational rehabilitation," she says.

Although at first it may seem a less-than desirable choice for Jerry, the option of self-employment must be explored further.

So what issues need to be looked at?

"We start by identifying our own emotionally based positions on issues related to vocational choice, rehabilitation, disability and a host of other factors that require our attention in the process of vocational rehabilitation," says Glenn.

"It helps us become both a critical thinker as well as a helper who is continuously growing as a professional."

First you ask yourself some questions: What is your belief about the abilities of people who have depression? Are they capable of self-employment? Do you know anyone who has been self-employed and has depression?

Once you've thought about these issues, then you can turn to researching real facts about what Jerry plans to do.