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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You call a big meeting with everyone involved and try to straighten things out.

This is the real-life decision made by sociologist Stan Capela. He got together with all the people involved and hashed out a new system that would correct the problems. "As a result of implementing such a system, we went from averaging 30 adoptions to 247 adoptions the next year," he says.

You get everyone together and discuss the problems. You make sure everyone is interpreting things the same way. Then you talk about the type of information various workers need to make decisions and do their jobs properly.

"For instance, we developed a color chart that was pasted on each folder that showed items required for finalization. As the paperwork was completed, the item was checked off. The worker was able to look at the checklist and at a glance know what was missing and what was completed," explains Capela.