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Forensic Nurse

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You are a self-employed forensic nurse living in a state with four major cities. You have discovered that the nurses in your area are not trained to deal with cases of sexual assault.

They don't know how to collect the right kind of evidence and they sometimes upset the victims by saying the wrong thing. You think it would be a good idea to start a program to train nurses on how to deal with sexual assault cases.

To do this, you will need to submit a proposal to various agencies and city officials outlining your proposed program. This proposal must include a needs assessment. A needs assessment is a study that shows how great the need is for your proposed service.

You will need to know the rate of abuse in the four cities in your area. The rate of abuse means the number of offenses compared to the number of people that are at risk.

You start by approaching the police, who provide you with a chart showing the population and the number of offenses in each of the four cities.

Here is the chart:


Calculate the rate of offenses for each of the four cities.