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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

The sooner you come up with an estimate, the sooner you can get started on this order. You get out a scratch pad.

500 mugs x $2.25 per mug = $1,125
100 T-shirts x $12.95 per shirt = $1,295
Total = $2,420

Discount: $2,420 x 0.15 = $363
$2,420 - $363 discount = $2,057

Now you need to figure out what the taxes will be.

0.11 x $2,057 = $226.27

Now you can total things up for the estimate:

Total before tax: $2,420 - $363 = $2,057
Plus 11 percent sales tax: $226.27

Final total = $2,283.27

You give the manager of the computer company a call and he likes the estimate, so you start on your first big order.

Most businesses don't require their owners to know advanced math, but basic math knowledge is essential.

"I don't use calculus or advanced differential equations, of course, but I do use math every day to figure clients' balances, to honor my 'percent-off' specials, and to keep a running account of my income and expenses," says Lisa Bryan, owner of a marketing communications firm.