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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

You watch your herd of bison roam across the pasture. Generally, these animals are very hardy and easy to keep. But this has been a long winter. The snow is deep in the fields, and you are worried that your bison aren't getting enough to eat.

You decide that you will have to supply extra hay to the animals, and also supply grain to the bison that appear to be in poor shape.

"We definitely use math to figure out what combinations of feed would be best," says Steve Warrington, an exotic animal farmer in Illinois. "We have to measure and weigh the feed. The math we use is common sense."

You have determined that you will feed the bison a mix of 60/40 oats and barley. This means the mixture of grain you create will be 60 percent oats and 40 percent barley.

  1. If you feed bison A 8 pounds of grain, how much barley do you give him? How much oats?
  2. If you feed bison B 6 pounds of grain, how much barley do you give him? How much oats?
  3. You also truck extra hay out to the feeders. You decide to give each bison 2 flakes of hay. If you have 144 bison to feed, and each bale of hay is made up of 12 flakes of hay, how many bales will you have to take out to the pasture?