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Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You exaggerate your claims a bit.

You say your product is the best thing that ever happened to the computer industry. You claim your new program will revolutionize the computer industry. You tell them your program is so good that development time for their new products will be cut in half and they would no longer need to hire as many programmers because your new program will do the job of two programmers. Your investors eat it up. You get your funding and you start developing your new program.

They put you on a strict deadline to develop your program. You and your team work day and night on the project. You complete it on time and the company rushes it to the market.

You tried to produce a program that would meet the expectations you created. Your computer program sells like hotcakes. Programming companies, after reading your claims, fire some of their programmers.

Unfortunately, your program does not fulfill the objectives as it promised. Your company gets a lot of complaints and refunds. Your reputation is ruined in the scientific community.

"Artificial intelligence specialists should have a good sense of reality, what is possible and what is not," says Hassan Ait-Kaci. "You should always work in the reality of the situation or it might backfire and ruin your reputation in the field."