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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You haul all the equipment you will need to wash the windows on a high-rise building. Next you locate the tie-ups and check over your safety equipment and ropes. Once you have hooked up, done a safety check and then done a second safety check, you pick up your cleaning equipment and begin to rappel down the building.

When you begin work on the first window, you realize that you have forgotten your chamois! What a waste of time. "Do I really need it?" you ask yourself. You think about it for a moment, and then come to the conclusion that you will need the cloth for the job.

You climb back up the building and unhook your safety devices. Leaving your harness on, you go down to your truck and get the chamois. This trip has cost you quite a bit of time.

You strap your ropes on, and get set to go over the building again. You have double-checked that your ropes are secured properly, but as you are about to go over, you realize that you haven't double-checked the fastenings and loops on your safety harness.

Not another delay! What do you do?