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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math

Though their jobs are largely physical in nature, longshore workers encounter math on the job all the time.

You're a longshore worker filling in for your crew leader, who is out sick. A ship carrying 12,500 boxes of automobile parts has arrived at the dock. The ship is already behind schedule due to poor weather at sea. The captain is eager to get back under steam. He wants to know how long the unloading will take.

You know the following:

8,500 of the boxes can be unloaded by hand
2,000 of the boxes can be unloaded by forklift
2,000 of the boxes will require cargo cranes

You have 15 workers who will unload boxes by hand.
Each worker can unload 50 boxes per hour by hand.

You have 4 forklifts and operators.
Each forklift can remove 40 boxes per hour.

You have 6 cranes and operators. Each crane can unload 25 boxes per hour.

For every 4 hours of work, the crew gets a 15-minute break. How long in hours and minutes will all this unloading take? Hint: all the different types of work can go on at the same time.