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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

You're managing to eke out a living as a pro, but you're barely getting by. And now that you're entering your mid-30s, you're starting to realize that most of the other pros are much younger than you. They're also seeing their monthly incomes rise, while yours is going down.

But you do not want to admit to anyone, yourself included, that your pro career may be over. Your pride is too strong. You want to keep snowboarding.

Meanwhile, an opportunity has come up for you in a small-but-growing snowboard company. You would be providing your expertise and designing new snowboards. The pay would be comparable to your current income from snowboarding. But the people at this company predict growth, and indeed, looking at the past year, growth has been steady so far.

On the other hand, it's a full-time job, so taking it would require you to hang up your pro hat and just snowboard for fun. You don't necessarily want to do this, as you feel it may admit defeat in a way.

What do you do?