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Government Relations Officer

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Math -- Solution

You can afford the expansion without lobbying.

YearAmountGrowth rate figuringGrowth rate (%)
2015-2016$273,763,091273,763,091/ 265,870,921 =1.030 - 1 x 100 = 3.0
2016-2017$274,034,091274,034,091/ 273,763,091 =1.001 - 1 x 100 = 0.1
2017-2018$274,034,091274,034,091/ 274,034,091 =1.000 - 1 x 100 = 0.0
2018-2019$280,336,875280,336,875/ 274,034,091 =1.023 - 1 x 100 = 2.3
2019-2020$288,746,982288,746,982/ 280,336,875 =1.030 - 1 x 100 = 3.0
2020-2021$301,907,252301,907,252/ 288,746,982 =1.046 - 1 x 100 = 4.6
2021-2022$314,539,283314,539,283/ 301,907,252 =1.042 - 1 x 100 = 4.2
2022-2023$323,484,780323,484,780/ 314,539,283 =1.028 - 1 x 100 = 2.8
2023-2024$338,861,239338,861,239/ 323,484,780 =1.048 - 1 x 100 = 4.8

Average growth rate (total growth figures divided by their sum) = 2.75 percent

"You look at the levels of support from one year to the next, monitor the differences in support from one institution to the next, and from that you create an average and see either a growth or decline in support," says Wilbanks.